"Clarity is the path to inner peace"
Other Herbal Remedies
Paw Butter
$12 per tin (2 oz)
Contains: Lavender, Calendula, Beeswax and Olive Oil
Too help soothe and protect your doglins paws in the winter or summer! Turning callouses into soft touchable tooties.
100% safe and non-toxic. Non-greasy formula so no grease paw prints left on your floors.

Unicorn Burps Body Spray
$10 per bottle (4oz)
Smell like unicorn breath or burps! Helps to cover up smelly dog, smelly bathroom or anything smelly.
You or your dog will smell like delicious candy.
Contains: essential oils, distilled water, vegetable glycerine and witch hazel
Shake well before use and do NOT spray near or on your dogs face.

Nukka's No-squito Summer Spray
$10 per bottle (4oz)
Contains: Essential oils (coconut, lime and vanilla), distilled water, vegetable glycerin & witch hazel
Summer spray is safe for your dog, your horse and yourself!. Made with ingredients you know and can pronounce. Smells good and keeps pesky bugs away. This is a great summer companion!
Shake well before use and do NOT use on cats.

TK's Tick OFF!
$10 for 4oz bottle
Ticks are the WORST and carry nasty disease like Lyme disease.
TK's Tick OFF! is an all natural tick repellant
4 oz bottle contains: Lemon, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Distilled water, Witch Hazel and Vegetable Glycerine
Ticks do not like the taste and smell of these essential oils and will avoid latching on.
Shake well, apply to your dog's body and enjoy the woods.
Should be applied every couple hours for maximum repellant.
Humans can use too!

Wolfdog Soapy Soap
$7 for two bars
Contains: Goat Milk Soap, Coca Butter Wafers, Oats and Lavender oil
This 100% natural shampoo contains all dog safe ingredients such as goat's milk, oatmeal and cocoa butter to ensure relief from dry itchy skin.
Lavender oil is soothing on the skin and calms the brain.
Great for puppies, senior dogs and dogs with allergies, and mild medical skin conditions.
Instructions: Wet dog, lather and rinse dog